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This Easter Break 25 March - 21 April 2024, South Perth Learning Centre has a wide range of short courses on offer. Membership will be waived for this series of classes (normally $15/term or $40/year), so if you've never been to SPLC, now's your chance to try it out! (Click on the titles below for more info):

Arts Starter

Beginners Watercolour: Let's Paint a Bird
2, 9, 16 Apr (Tuesdays), 9:30am–12:30pm, $180

Beginners Ink Drawing: Let's Draw Beach Shells
3, 10, 17 Apr (Wednesdays), 9:30am–12:30pm, $180

Beginners Acrylic Painting: Let's Paint Fun Fruit
5, 12, 19 Apr (Fridays), 9:30am–12:30pm, $180

Drawing Techniques: Portraiture
27 Mar, 3, 10, 17 Apr (Wednesdays), 5:30pm–8:30pm, $105

Drawing Techniques: Still Life
28 Mar, 4, 11, 18 Apr (Thursdays), 5:30pm–8:30pm, $105

Ink Imaginings Workshop
27 Mar, 9am–12pm; or 15 April, 1–4pm; $70

Fading Ripples Workshop
28 Mar, 1–4pm; or 17 Apr, 1–4pm; $70


Spanish for Total Beginners
26 Mar, 2, 9, 16 Apr (Tuesdays), 4:30–6:30pm, $100

Spanish Conversations
3, 10, 17 Apr (Wednesdays), 2–4pm, $75

Talks, Health & Club

Introduction to Modern Art (19th Century - Present)
28 Mar; 4, 11, 18 Apr (Thursdays), 10am–12pm, $100

Australians on the Western Front 1916–1918
19 Apr (Friday), 1–3pm, $20

The Hidden Psychological Meaning in Your Photos
15 Apr (Monday), 10–11:30am, $20

Yoga - Autumn Break
26 Mar, 2, 9, 16 Apr (Tuesdays), 4–5pm, or 5–6pm; $70

Mahjong Club (HK Style)
3, 10, 17 Apr (Wednesdays), 2–5pm, $20